Liu Kuo-sung
In the seventies, I organized the ‘Modern Chinese Ink Painting Diploma Course’ for three years at the Extramural Studies Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. CHAN Shing-kau was one of my students then. When he started learning modern Chinese ink painting, he had only a limited knowledge in Western art but none in Chinese art. However, he demonstrated great intelligence and industry on exploring modern Chinese ink painting and became one of the best students at graduation.
Many of the students inspired by me had certain accomplishments in the art field because they kept on advocating modern Chinese ink painting; some of them are well known today. As a matter of fact, some went forward quickly and got close to success but some lost their way or gave up. CHAN was the latter one who nearly lost his way in the past few years. Fortunately, he kept joining art exhibitions and striding forward now.
Being encouraged by me and his friends, he is going to hold a solo art exhibition entitled “Roam and Snow” by the end of the year. He uses dripping ink to show that; “the one who paints always roams in art and nature”, he also develops new techniques and ideas in his modern Chinese ink painting.
Snow scenery can easily be found in traditional Chinese painting for it is a common theme. For instance: ”First Snow on the River” by Chao Gan of the South Tang Dynasty, “Clearing after Snow in Mountain peaks” by Li Cheng, “A Desolate Temple in SnowyMountains” by Fan Kuan, “Landscape in Snow” by Dao-ning of the Song Dynasty, “Clearing after Snow in Mountain Peaks” by Cao Zhi-bai of the Yuan Dynasty, “Timely Snow in Deep Winter” by Wang E, “Gorgeous Palace in Snow” by Chang Hung, “Spiritual Crags Covered with Snow” by Liu Yuan-qi of the Ming Dynasty, “Clearing after Snow in Mountain Peaks” by Huang Ding of the Qing Dynasty. Zhou Yi-gui of the Ching Dynasty once said, “the one who paints the snow can scarcely grasp its clearness.” There is still room for improvement in painting snow scenery and it should be developed. Recently, CHAN has a clear objective to start a journey on this theme. Besides, he is going to retire from his business, and will devote every effort to painting. The one who burns his bridge should be highly appreciated; I am sure that his achievement is predictable.
Being supported by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, CHAN is well prepared for his second solo exhibition. I sincerely hope that he will achieve a prosperous future and win the admiration of all.
Liu Kuo-sung
October, 2000
Translated by Yeung Kwok-fan, Margaret
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